8 Ways to Use a Crystal Point, Healing Crystal Tower

Sometimes it feels like no matter what we do, all our energy is wasted. Instead of raising your arm in the air and asking “what’s the point”, grab a crystal point and use the point. As one of the most versatile and beneficial energy tools a person can have, the Crystal Point is your perfect ally when you need to focus and direct your energy to your intentions. Not only will it ensure that your energy is not wasted, but the Crystal Point will also infuse your space with a positive vibe. Of course, the exact healing properties of a point depend on its crystal type, but every point has one thing in common – it’s a powerhouse of energy. With the ability to boost the energy of all your surroundings, you really want to boost your energy at home, at work, and wherever you need it most.

There are many different ways to use your Crystal Points. You will be more connected to the Crystal Ceremony than any other Crystal Ceremony. Trust your instincts and use your crystals in the way that works for you. Energy Muse founder and resident crystal expert Heather Askinosie presents her favorite and most effective ways to use crystal points at home.

Simple Ways to Incorporate Crystal Points into Your Life

1. Open Up Your Energy Field and Break Through Self-Limitations in This “zipper Trick”.

This is a crystalline technique created by Heather to open up your energy field and expand it. Place the crystal point above your head and move the crystal point down the front of your body, all the way to your feet. Imagine yourself unraveling your energy field.
See yourself open up your energy field and move forward as if you stepped out of that layer and left it behind.
Bring your crystals to your heart and say out loud what you want to program your new energy field with. Feel the crystal fill your energy field and make you want to move forward and rise.
Finally, lift your crystal point from the soles of your feet to the top of your head and strain your energy field.

2. Act As An Air Purifier for Your Space.

Adding crystal points—especially amethyst, fluorite, or clear quartz—can purify, purify, and purify the energy of a room. Your crystal will absorb all the negative and unwanted energy in your space and replace it with positivity and light. The energy of your environment will start to feel different; lighter and more uplifting.

3. Send Healing Energy to Someone.

Have you ever wanted to send healing vibes to a specific person or beloved pet? You can use crystal points to do this! First, find a photo of the person or pet you want to channel the healing energy to. If they are in a hospital or a specific location, write the physical address of the location on the back of the photo. Put your crystal dots on your photo and imagine them healthy. Your crystals will project your intentions outward, pointing them in their place. We recommend using clear quartz points for this.

4. To Attract Investment.

Heather is a firm believer that all business people should have a citrine or amethyst point on their desk and somewhere in their business. Citrine is the primary manifestation crystal that helps bring wealth, success, and abundance. Amethyst is believed to empower its owners with strong business acumen that contributes to financial success. For an added bounty of energy, place crystal dots on business cards on your desk. You can even amplify the wealth energy by creating a wealth crystal grid around it.

5. As the Center Point of the Crystal Grid.

Using the crystal point at the top of the mandala, or as the center of the crystal grid, can amplify and intensify your intent and the energy of the entire grid. Handwrite your intent on a small piece of paper and place it below the dot in the center of the grid. Thinking about your crystalline point directs your focused intent into the universe, even if you don’t think about it.

6. For Meditation and Stress Relief.

Meditation with the crystal point in your hand or in front of you will help clear your mind of confusion, stress and anxiety. Amethyst helps release attachments, helping you let go of things that no longer serve you and hold you back. It is linked to the violet ray, which is thought to nourish and support you at the cellular level for optimal brain activity. When you feel overwhelmed by stress, try sitting on a citrine tip. Citrine is said to dilute and reduce the density of your energy field and aura, releasing the feeling of weight on your shoulders.

7. For Protection.

Amethyst is said to reflect light and energy even faster than quartz crystal. This is what makes it such a powerful protective crystal, as it repels more negativity than attracts. Place an amethyst point in your car or any space you think needs extra protection for protection.

8. Set the Intent to Focus.

The Crystal Point is the most powerful tool for setting intentions and manifesting them into the universe. In your sacred space, set a space for your crystal point and written intent. Find a crystal spot that matches your intent very well; when in doubt, choose a quartz crystal spot – whatever the subject matter, it will meet your intent. Hold your crystal point in your hand, visualize your intentions, and program your crystal. Write your intention or goal on a small piece of paper, fold it against yourself, and place the crystal point on it. Put it in a place that is sacred to you, and revisit it every day as you set your intentions for the day. Your perspective will continue to project your focused intent into the universe throughout the day, even if you are not thinking about it.

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