Crown Chakra—Sahasrara

About the Crown Chakra—Sahasrara

The Crown Chakra, your crown of holy connection to the Divine, sits at the top of your head, a bright violet disk of light that emanates what we call the Violet Ray of compassionate and protective light. When your Crown Chakra is open and functioning well, you feel intimately aware of your connection to God/Source/Creator energy. When it is blocked or inactive, you feel disconnected from the Divine, and unsure of your relationship to God/Source/Creator.

While most empaths and psychics find it easy to keep an open and clear Crown Chakra through supportive exercises, such as daily meditation and recitation of mantras, many others struggle to find the Divine. It can be difficult to break free of the monotony and routines of everyday life in order to plug into a higher power. And yet we are spiritual beings having a human experience—not the other way around. Thus, the Spirit part of us will always long for a way back to Source.

Anwering the call of your spirit is a powerful gesture. When you say yes to your soul’s development, you also say yes to the collective evolution on the entire planet. You are one powerful piece of the broader matrix of energy that surrounds you. Your words, actions, thoughts, and decisions affect everyone around you. The Crown Chakra, your energy sanctuary, is the center of our comprehension of this interconnectedness. When we lose our spiritual way, this is the place we return to remember who we are. Here at the Crown Chakra, you learn that life is not meant to be a constant struggle. There should be flow and ease. You will find both here, waiting for you.

Embodiment Exercise: Crown Chakra Induction

The Crown Chakra is literally your crown of divine wisdom and contact with the divine. Here you are working with the first layer of spirit guides and angelic beings who serve as intermediaries between this realm and theirs. When you want to activate and channel their wisdom, you can use this meditation to guide your exploration of the Crown Chakra and its many inspirational gifts.

1/ Think of the Crown Chakra as a literal crown of amethyst crystals and purple roses, lit from within by the Violet Ray of light. Visualize it glowing above your head, gently resting there. You become an example to others of peace and spiritual awareness just by being, by allowing yourself to receive the energy emitted by this energy center. At the Crown Chakra, we learn the medicine of allowing and becoming.

2/ The Crown Chakra is also a potent source of physical and spiritual healing. While the Heart Chakra is your center of love and compassion, you experience unconditional love at the Crown Chakra, because here you are welcomed, understood, and seen just as you are. Here you are revered and held as a child of all creation. Here you are guided and loved, seen and recognized at the soul level as kindred of the spirit realm. As you open the Crown Chakra, the top of your head may tingle or vibrate, or you may feel lightheaded. These are perfectly natural reactions.

3/ To experience the magic of the Crown Chakra, recognize that within this energy center sits your deepest sovereignty. You are seen here as the queen or goddess, king or god, that you truly are. When you allow yourself to feel your sovereignty—that is, your truly indelible power and divine authority—what feelings arise? Physically, as you connect to your inner power, you might feel dizzy or as if you are floating, or tingling in your hands and feet, as these are other places in the body where excess energies are expelled. These, too, are normal reactions.

4/ When you trust that you are right where you are meant to be in life, in this moment, you access a level of peace few experience. This peace stems from the knowledge that you simply need to be, and, just by being, you change the world. At the Crown Chakra, you are invited to explore your thoughts about yourself and your life, untangling them from old patterns that may have limited you in the past. Rise now to the occasion of your soul and find your power. When you feel ready to receive this freedom, extend your arms out to your sides and allow yourself to feel the flow of energy from root to crown, extended from your feet to the very top of your head and out, side to side, from your left fingertips to your right ones.

5/ Once you feel the surge of energy, which could be experienced as warmth, tingling, coldness, or lightheadedness, relax your arms and bring your attention to the top of your head. Imagine a ring of light surrounding your head, a beacon of truth and wisdom surrounding you now and always. Give thanks for this sacred connection to the Divine and then close this induction with the universal blessing: Amen, A’ho, So it is.

Reflection Questions for the Crown Chakra

Gather a few tools to support you as you consider the meaning of the Crown Chakra as the seat of your spiritual power, sovereignty, and connection to God/Source/Creator energy. Choose a lavender or violet candle, scented with the same essential oils—they are aligned with the Crown Chakra. You might reach for scapolite, a particularly powerful ally. As the stone of success and integration of wisdom, it will assist you as you reflect upon the wisdom of the Crown Chakra. Call in your spirit guides to assist and inspire you as you consider and respond to the following questions:

1/ What is your favorite way to connect with God/Source/Creator energy right now? When you want to feel more in touch with the Divine, what do you do and where do you go? Is there a person or place who can instantly reconnect you with your sense of divinity? Perhaps there is a piece of music that helps you connect more deeply?

2/ Self-respect is a natural outcome when your Crown Chakra is open, clear, and active. How would you describe your own level of self-respect right now? Where in your life could you enhance your self-respect or encourage others to treat you with more respect? Remember that you are a child of the divine. What does this concept mean to you?

3/ Faith resides at the Crown Chakra as well. Where in your life do you experience profound faith, and where has your faith been tested? When you lose faith, how do you regain it?

When you are ready to close your reflective writing, thank your spirit guides and higher self for attending you while you write, and blow out your candles. Store any gems you’ve used and other writing tools together in a special place so that you’ll have them handy when you want to do more reflective writing in the future.






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