Soul Star Chakra—Sutara

About Soul Star Chakra—Sutara

The ninth chakra is our connection to the stars. It is our portal or access point to other dimensions and provides us with encouragement to pursue ascension and spiritual development in this life. For some, the call of the Soul Star Chakra is louder and harder to ignore; for others, the call is subtler. Whichever way this chakra speaks to you, you can draw from this well of soul strength for inspiration and courage.

The Soul Star Chakra sits about 12 inches (30 cm) above the top of your head and is your aura’s uppermost point of contact with the broader energy field. Its alternate name, Sutara, means “holy star” in Sanskrit and reflects the sacred nature of the etheric energies that reside beyond the physical chakra system. When this chakra is open and energy is flowing well through it, you feel a sense of embodied peace. You feel capable of channeling and holding the energies around you and find that your manifestation abilities are strong. At the Soul Star Chakra,

it becomes possible to imagine a highly complex universe in which time and space are not linear, and where it is possible to experience the past, present, and future synchronously. Consider what it would mean for you, personally, to be able to experience the past now, in this moment, as if it were happening right now. What about the future? What would it mean for you to experience the future now, synchronously with the present? Would you live differently or love differently? And would this wisdom help you or hurt you?

Once your horizons expand and your awareness opens, it is difficult to return to ignorance. The Soul Star Chakra offers you enhanced awareness, but will you be able to integrate it and use it wisely in service of your highest good?

Embodiment Exercise: Soul Star Chakra Induction

If the Crown Chakra is your crown, the Soul Star Chakra is your halo. It is an angelic amulet, a divine ray of heavenly light that offers nothing but pure nourishment and loving balm to your soul. The medicine of the Soul Star Chakra is ascension, and its call is to the deepest part of your soul. Use this meditation to guide you on your journey.

1/ If you are ready to answer the call of the Soul Star Chakra, stretch your arms above your head, directly up toward the sky, and point your fingertips skyward. Now, imagine the tips of your fingers making contact with the warmest, most tender energy you have every experienced. It is as if a cloud of love is being placed upon your fingertips.

2/ Pull this radiant energy toward you and hold it gently in your fingers, resting it on the palms of your hands. Imagine it as a luminous soap bubble—delicate and perishable, yet real and palpable. Some say the Soul Star has a six-pointed star of energy within it. Lift your head to gaze into this energy, and see the rays of the star radiating toward you. Each of the six rays carries a message for you: The first ray brings you love; the second, prosperity; the third, peace; the fourth, wisdom; the fifth, beauty; and the sixth, sovereignty. These are the six gifts of Spirit.

3/ Receive each of these blessings as you hear the angel guides and ascended masters who reside here speaking to you. They are saying: May you know love; may you experience prosperity; may you live in peace; may you receive wisdom; may you walk in beauty; may you enjoy sovereignty. (While many receive spirit gifts at the Crown Chakra, you might also notice an opening of your heart space. Be open to receiving the resonance of these gifts wherever they arrive.)

4/ Give thanks for these gifts, and commit to bearing the responsibilities they bring. For you are a teacher, a guide, a leader, and a healer. To conclude this meditation, ask yourself how you can bring these gifts forward in the world, and ask your spirit guides for the strength to do this sacred work with power and reverence. Amen, A’ho, So it is.

Reflection Questions for the Soul Star Chakra

The Star has been a sacred symbol throughout time, representing human form and spirit connection, and the Soul Star, or Holy Star, is the place within where the human self and star self unite. In Cherokee legends, humans descend from the Pleiadians, a fifth-dimension civilization living in an adjacent star system. These beings are said to live in love and peace, free from conflict. What it would mean for you to love this way, absent from conflict or challenge?

Pour yourself a glass of hydrating spring water, and place a piece of clear quartz inside the glass to raise the frequency as you drink. Imagine that every molecule of the water heals every cell in your body. Receive the healing, allowing yourself to experience the increased frequency, and enjoy the vibration of pure love as you consider the answers to the following questions:

1/ What is becoming clear to you about people and things in your life as you sip this enhanced water? In this place of pure divine love, you are gaining a deeper sense of clarity than ever before. Use this clarity to examine your relationships: Where can you love more deeply or bring more compassion to others in your life now?

2/ Expanding consciousness means you become more aware of subtle energy patterns around you. What methods have you used to integrate your deepening awareness? For example, are you more aware of changes in your sleep patterns or menstrual cycles? Are you more attuned to the rhythms of nature, or have you become more deeply attuned to your own intuition?

3/ How can you celebrate your own personal and spiritual evolution? Your soul is evolving and you are moving closer to your purpose for being. What can you do today to acknowledge this achievement? For instance, you might create an intention space in your home or garden—a corner of your world where you can gather sacred items such as candles, gemstones, essential oils, sea shells, sand, dried flowers, or any talismans that represent your development. Create this space on a day of meaning, such as the anniversary of a significant event. Then tend the space with care either daily or weekly, adding or removing items as they become more or less relevant to you. By celebrating your progress, you ensure its continuation.

When you are ready to close your reflective writing, thank your spirit guides and higher self for attending you while you write, and blow out your candles. Store any gems you’ve used and other writing tools together in a special place so that you’ll have them handy when you want to do more reflective writing in the future.






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